One example is in the second verse of " Drop It Like It's Hot", Snoop Dogg mentions a DJ cut followed by a stutter edit and turntable scratch in reply. These patterns can be placed at the beginning of a bar, or towards the end for a more syncopated sound. These extremely short, fast groups of notes are often placed into the spacing of an eighth or sixteenth note in an otherwise "normal" bar, creating rhythmic accenting and patterns that call attention to a particular section. Above a certain point, these repetitions transition from rhythmic to tonal frequencies, making musical notes out of the repeated audio. Ī stutter edit "contains a single segment of audio repeated a number of times, giving a performance a decidedly digital flavor." Stutter edits can go beyond 2,048th notes and can be measured in milliseconds, with layers of digital signal processing operations in a rhythmic fashion, and an individual note potentially containing within it many short fragments of sound.
Electronic musician Brian Transeau (known as BT) is widely recognized for pioneering the stutter edit as a musical technique he developed, coined the term, and holds multiple patents for the Stutter Edit software plug-in. The plug-in allows musicians to manipulate audio in real time, slicing audio into small fragments and sequences the pieces into rhythmic effects, recreating techniques that formerly took hours to do in the studio. The Stutter Edit audio software VST plug-in implements forms of granular synthesis, sample retrigger, and various effects to create a certain audible manipulation of the sound run through it, in which fragments of audio are repeated in rhythmic intervals. The stutter edit, or stutter effect, is the rhythmic repetition of small fragments of audio, occurring as the common 16th note repetition, but also as 64th notes and beyond, with layers of digital signal processing operations in a rhythmic fashion based on the overall length of the host tempo.